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Final Climate Vulnerability Assessment

The Final Cliamte Vulnerability Assessment is a key part of our efforts to make Napa County more resilient to climate change. This assessment helps us understand how climate change will affect the Napa Region and what we can do to prepare.

What the VA Does:

  • Identifies Climate Change Effects: Looks at how climate change will impact Napa County.
  • Analyzes Current Hazards: Examines existing dangers like wildfires and floods that our county already faces.
  • Assesses Future Risks: Identifies how climate change might make these hazards worse.
  • Evaluates Community Preparedness: Checks how ready our local governments and communities are to handle these changes and adapt.
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The U.S. is, I believe the only "developed" country in the world that doesn't use international standards for scientific units consistently (leading, for example, to a hundreds of billion-dollar tax-payer loss when Lockheed Martin used stone-age units (miles) in the Mars Climate Orbiter debacle of 1999 (link.), while NASA actually followed the internationally agreed-on scientific units (which were apparently written into Lockheed's contract). I realize that the general public doesn't know what a kilometer or meters per second are, or how to calculate cubic meters of water running off from their roof during the rainy season that could be used for summer irrigation. In most cases, they can't even differentiate araeal units from volumetric units . I urge you, however, to make this report educational and use internationally agreed scientific units with the pre-1795 units in parentheses. Change is always difficult, but we live in an era of accelerating change, and we might as well adapt in more significant ways than limiting new gas stations.
"Temporary" is not defined. The impact of the threat of wildfires may be understated? Who plans a wedding or vacation in Napa during wildfire season? Perhaps that is why we are seeing higher hotel vacancies and more "Walk-ins Welcomed" signs along Hwy 29.
At a minimum please list the type of disasters that make up the "Other" category and include their respective financial impact. What about earthquakes?
What is the source or method of calculation? In other areas of the report it is indicated that wild fires can't be predicted.
Has future flood work that is planned and funding been considered?
What is the financial impact specific to Napa? This number is not very helpful.
It would be nice to list examples of co-benefits of climate mitigation and climate adaptation used by other jurisdictions.
Populations that will be affected seem to include ONLY in the unincorporated county. Nowhere is the impact on American Canyon and the City of Napa mentioned—this is supposed to be a regional document and include all jurisdictions. Specific facilities (Napa San, American Canyon Waste Water Treatment plant) should be pointed out a vulnerable infrastructures.)